weaving the masterpiece of life
“Like rattan, DJALIN exists to bring a new turn on tradition through modern and contemporary design.”
Our mission with Djalin is centered around the value of working and growing together. We empower each other to create, and celebrate Indonesian traditional craftsmanship, with careful consideration in the use of natural resources. By uplifting artisans to continue their craft and to contribute their skills, savoire-faire, and knowledge, our designers have created collections that evolve to best showcase craftsmanship, aesthetics, and function, to form a new face of Indonesian craftsmanship in contemporary design.
Our use of mixed materials is not purely an aesthetic choice, but one that stems from function. By choosing materials that maximize the function of the product as well as compliment the design, we hope to create pieces that will stay with you for a long time. Durable, stylish and timeless. Along with safe and sustainable production processes, we take good care to ensure that we use certified and legal materials, as well as materials that could be recyclable such as synthetic rope and weave. Indoor and outdoor living is as much a part of Djalin as it is part of Indonesian culture, the use of a wide range of materials ensure that our furniture will suit your space best.
We share Indonesian heritage stories, culture, and nature through design, to the world. We hope to nurture and expand this beautiful legacy to pass to the next generation. These cultural values, skills, and crafts are all used to help us design better for the environment, the community, and you. It is our vision to cherish and respect the earth, and the community around us, so we may create responsibly and sustainably.
All in all, good design for all.
Sincerely, Djalin Team.
meet our designer
& team
Tujuan awal Sita berani merancang produk tidak hanya konsisten berkarya, namun juga memperkenalkan furnitur bermaterial rotan lokal dalam wajah baru. Bermodalkan pengalaman serta latar belakang pendidikan desain interior, Sita melihat peluang di antara celah berbagai perajin rotan yang sangat potensial, ditambah lini lokal yang dirasanya kurang berani menyuarakan hasil karya desainer Indonesia secara lantang di lingkup internasional. Sita memasang target agar desain Indonesia dipandang dan diterima di ranah global. Langkah konkret pertama yang dilakukannya ialah memamerkan deretan furnitur rotan, yang pada waktu itu masih berupa prototipe, di ajang Indonesia International Furniture Expo (IFEX) 2016.
“Memiliki rancangan yang berintegritas dengan nilai kemanusiaan yang menghormati alam dan budaya, serta menggemakan gairah akan desain.”